3D Scanning
Taking your as-is environment and making a digital copy
The engineers at TEAM use Terrestrial and Close-range Photogrammetry and Structure Light Scanning to give your machines and structures a digital life.
Our process uses hand held, tripod or pole mounted camera. We can output drawings, 3D models, measurements, or point clouds depending on your requirements.
TEAM has the capabilities to model and measure buildings, engineering structures, forensic and accident scenes, mines, earth-works, stock-piles, archaeological artifacts, film sets, etc.
When you need extremely accurate models, we recommend our structured light scanners to capture the finest details. Our equipment has a Volumetric Accuracy of 0.05 mm+0.3 mm/m
Finite Element Analysis
We use specialist software to undertake FEA studies. We look for stress, deflection, buckling and fatigue.
The information obtained in these studies is used to optimise the engineering design and the certification phase.
Drafting and Design
Our drafting team specialise in bringing your design concepts to life. We can take your idea from concept drawings to shop ready designs.
Learn more about our drafting and design services...
Engineering Audits
We offer a range of Engineering Audit Services covering multiple disciplines including:
Structural Maintenance Audits
Mechanical Condition Audits
Design Audits/Verification
Electrical Audits
Hydraulic Audits
We are able to ensure you meet your annual condition audit requirements for structures and equipment as required by the Mining Act.
RPEQ and Design Certification
We manage the certification of critical components in-house with our RPEQ certified engineers. We use FEA software followed by certification by our engineering specialists.
Our certification process can include detailing any required modifications to existing or surrounding equipment.
Repair and Recovery Procedures and Plans
Our experienced engineers are able to develop detailed repair and recovery procedures.
We have experience with the recovery of:
bucket wheel reclaimers
ship loaders
We have experience with a variety of structures from steel to concrete.
Lift Studies
We are able to prepare quality, accurate and safe single, dual and triple crane lift studies.
Lear more about our Heavy Lifting capability
Certification and Weighing
We can perform inspections and proof load testing of cranes and lifting equipment in accordance with relevant design standards and plant safety regulations.
We can design and and inspect cranes, hoists, sheaves and lifting devices.
We also specialises in the weighing of large machines to determine weight and centre of gravity. Using load cells we have expertise in weighing:
bucket wheel excavators
ship loaders
Lear more about our Heavy Lifting capability
Using proven process and technology TEAM Group (Aust) has the capability to engineer and certify works. We can manage the entire process or assist with particular aspects, from concept development through to specifications, detailed design, manufacture, installation to final commissioning.
Our Engineers are based in Brisbane and Mackay and can be quickly deployed site, both in Australia and abroad.
We specialise in taking ideas and developing them into functioning and useful products.
We offer a range of Engineering Services covering multiple disciplines:
General Engineering - reports, feasibility reviews, design audits and verification
Mechanical Engineering - equipment design, finite element analysis, fatigue analysis, stress analysis, vibration analysis and vibration-related problem mitigation solution
Structural Engineering
Our specialist skills have been employed on the successful design and improvement of:
lifting equipment
wash down facilities
truck dump stations
industrial workshop facilities
slew bearings
bulk materials handling: stackers and reclaimers, ship loaders, train loadouts,
cable handling equipment: cable reelers, cable arches, cable boats, braked rope reels, jewellery sleds
200t Crane - DRE19 Recovery Saraji
Supporting Software
We use a range of supporting software packages to assist our engineers including:
Samsung 360 degree photography and video
Staff Resources
We have
Chartered Professional Engineers
Fellow of Engineers Australia
RPEQ Engineers
WTIA International Welding Specialists