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DUST SUPPRESSION SYSTEM - Manufacture and Install

In August, TEAM was engaged to manufacture, install and commission a dust suppression system for a Central Queensland coal mine. This mine has been suffering significant dust issues with their truck dump hoppers.

TEAM worked with the client to take the concept drawings for a spray system, develop fabrication drawings, manufacture the components and install them on-site during a shutdown.

The video shows the before and after dust plume following the dumping of the load into the hopper. Before the dust suppression system was install the dust tended to linger in the hopper and drift out over everything.

Following the installation the dust is contained under the dust suppression sprays which create essentially a water curtain containing the dust and dropping it into the hopper.

To assist in maintenance of the dust suppression system, a walkway around the hopper was installed. This allows for maintenance crews to be able to change out spray bar and conduct maintenance on the hopper without the need for EWPs or working at heights qualifications. The handrail and platforms were designed to meet the Australian Standards and TEAM is proud to be associated with this project.

If you need assistance regarding dump hopper dust suppression, feel free to give us a call at TEAM.

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